3 Strange things your dog might do and what they mean?
July 24, 2023
By: Shaggy Shack Pet Resort & Spa

Zoomies! We’ve seen it in most of our pets. Nearly without warning your puppy is racing from 1 end of the house to the other end of the house. Jumping onto the couch, just to jump off at full speed. They’re going so fast it’s as if you’re watching a furry blur. We see it here with alot of pets that do daycare, boarding, and even one’s waiting to be groomed. But what does it mean?

I’m sure as you guessed, It’s a way to release pent-up energy, it’s all about being excited and it’s healthy. You should see your pup when they are just freshly groomed. It’s a way for them to shake off all that water and anxiety right off.

We alway recommend monitoring your pup. It’s just as easy as your big tubby puppy who gets the zoomies to forget how to stop all that weight. We recommend letting them let it out and encourage it. It is a safe place.

Grass Eating Frenzy! If you’ve seen your dogo chomping at the grass it’s nothing to worry about usually. Actually if you see your puppy doing this some theorize that it’s just another instinctual behavior. Perhaps providing psychological relief as a cathartic, also helping rid the body of parasites because of its high fibrous content.

People have said that your dog might be eating grass because of nutritional deficiencies, though nowadays it’s not uncommon for most modern diets to have all the proper nutrients our 4 legged friend needs. So with that in mind try and discourage this behavior because they could end up with a large grass mat that could require surgery and that won’t be fun.

If only your pup could mow the lawn.

Butt Sniffing! If you had 300 million olfactory receptors in your nose, how would you use this super power? This one is simple….. For dogs that is. Believe it or not if you see your dog sniffing butts they’re simply checking to see friend or foe, male or female, scared or stressed, happy or sad. It’s essentially downloading the sniff-ee’s profile.

So before you discourage this behavior because it may seem strange to us humans. They’re simply checking the target’s business card in a sense.

A Lot of business cards are exchanged here at Shaggy Shack Pet resort and we have the staff who are absolutely dedicated to making sure your dog is safe and gets their best Zoomies during their stay here and make some new social furry buddies along the way.

3 Strange things your dog might do and what they mean?